Summer, 1990
I was three years old and my parents went to Spain to visit my aunt for mother side. It was a trip happened a especial thig. When my parents saw to my niece, this it´s transformed in a trip to the decision of conceive more one children. They had an only daughter.
My parents thought that one children es more easy for to teach and bring up in good conditions. My cousin was happy, however she not knew to relate with the partners and her parents tried every hard for distract her.
In that moment, my parents thought that the interaction is the best for the childrens and was born my sister when i was four years old. My parents said that were the best idea because we, my sister and me, can to enjoy all the plays for children and teach to share.
This experience form relationship very much steady and supportive, with friends, parents and boyfriend. In addition, the children are very much sociable and convinced.